How we work at Nykvist Skogs

From consultancy and forest management measures to timber transactions - this is how we work
Our customers' wishes and goals are always at the centre of our work. We are flexible and offer customised solutions based on the forest owner's unique forest, needs and goals. All our staff are passionate about forests, nature and good relations. Something that we also hope and believe creates value for you.
The responsibilities of the timber buyer
The timber buyer is responsible for ensuring that you, the customer, get the best help with your forest. Our timber buyers work with different districts, so they know the forest inside out. The aim is always to create long-term value for you as a forest owner and to ensure that the timber transaction is profitable and well executed. The timber buyer also ensures that all work is carried out in accordance with the Swedish Forestry Act and other environmental rules and that forestry is conducted in a sustainable manner.
Step 1. Assessing your forest
Börja med att kontakta oss. Då kan vi se vilken virkesköpare som arbetar med ditt distrikt och ordna ett förutsättningslöst möte. Nästa steg är att virkesköparen inspekterar din skogsfastighet ute på plats och gör en noggrann inventering. Det kan handla om fördelningen av trädslag, trädens ålder, kvalitet och volym.
Step 2. Consultancy and agreement proposals
The inspection leads to the identification of which parts of your forest are ripe for harvesting and which measures need to be carried out - for example, clearing, thinning or ground preparation. We discuss the price proposal, payment terms, appropriate timings for the operations or felling and any other terms to be included in the agreement.
Step 3. The agreement is drawn up and reviewed
If we agree that a timber transaction should be made, we will draw up a written agreement that includes the felling area, volume calculation, form of sale, payment terms and environmental considerations. We ensure everything is in line with the Swedish Forestry Act and any certification requirements.
If forest management measures are to be carried out, the agreement will include relevant information on this instead. A forestry lawyer can assist with reviewing the agreement if desired.
Step 4. From felling to measuring on reception
The timber buyer plans the felling or forest management measure and coordinates its implementation with local contractors as per the agreement. Once the timber is felled, it is transported to a forest road and conveyed to a sawmill or pulp mill. Measuring on reception and quality assessment are always carried out here by an independent log scaler.
Once the forest management measure has been carried out, it is followed up with you and an invoice is issued.
Step 5. Final statement and payment
A final statement is made by your timber buyer to give you a complete overview of the timber transaction. It includes:
+ Total revenue from timber sales.
- Deduction of costs for felling, transport and any other costs.
= Net revenue to which the forest owner is entitled after deductions.
The payment period is often regulated in the contract, but it is common for the timber seller to receive their fee within 30 days of the final statement being issued.