Long-term sustainability of forests

Sustainability and long-term thinking are fundamental to Nykvist Skogs’ work
Nykvist Skogs’ fundamental principle is to work towards sustainable forestry that benefits the environment, the local community and forest owners. We are committed to preserving forests and nature for future generations.
As your forestry partner and advisor, we take a holistic approach to forest management, focusing on ecological, economic and social factors. Here are some key ways we promote long-term sustainability:

Personalised care plans for long-term value
By understanding each forest owner's unique goals good returns, recreation and nature conservation, we can optimise management for long-term sustainability. Each forest also has unique conditions in terms of tree species, soil conditions and cultural values that we take into account in the management plan. By prioritising forestry that is economically sustainable in the long term, forest owners can create stable value for future generations, without over-exploiting resources.

Sustainable felling practices
The long-term health and vigour of the forest is paramount. Instead of clear-felling, you can opt for selective felling, which favours long-term regrowth and reduces soil erosion. There are also machines and methods that preserve soil structure and reduce erosion. Machines using eco-friendly fuel, low fuel consumption and cooperation with local operators allow us to reduce transport distances and emissions.