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2004-10-27, 13:30
 - Non regulatory

The Rottneros Group, listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, is one of the world’s leading non-integrated producers of market pulp. The Group includes the parent company Rottneros AB, five pulp mills in Sweden and Spain, as well as raw materials purchasing companies in Latvia and Portugal. The Group also has marketing companies in Germany and Belgium. Production capacity amounts to 700,000 tonnes. The Group has around 860 employees and turnover of approximately SEK 2,400 million.

“The issue of the new debenture strengthens Rottneros’ financial structure by diversifying the Group’s loan portfolio,” says Executive Vice President and CFO Anders Byström. “Cooperating with the Nordic Investment Bank and Danske Bank improves our position as regards financing.”

Upplands Väsby, Sweden, 27 October 2004

Rottneros AB (Publ.)

Further information: Anders Byström, Chief Financial Officer, +46 (0)70-641 49 14

The Rottneros Group, listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, is one of the world’s leading non-integrated producers of market pulp. The Group includes the parent company Rottneros AB, five pulp mills in Sweden and Spain, as well as raw materials purchasing companies in Latvia and Portugal. The Group also has marketing companies in Germany and Belgium. Production capacity amounts to 700,000 tonnes. The Group has around 860 employees and turnover of approximately SEK 2,400 million.

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