
Sustainability focus
For Rottneros, sustainability is about building and developing the Group in a long-term and responsible way. Our employees’ safety, eco-friendly products and responsibility for both the internal and external environment are some of the most important issues in our sustainability work

Our policies
Our policies provide guidance for decisions and help us achieve the desired results in the work climate and comply with applicable laws. The code of conduct is known to all employees.

Focus areas
Rottneros organises work based on six areas of focus; safety, long-term profitability, versatility, customer satisfaction, fossil-free production and environmental impact, which are in line with the United Nations’ global goals.
Here to the right, you will find the answer to some of the most common questions about sustainability.
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In what way does Rottneros work with sustainability?
Rottneros takes responsibility for both internal and external environments. A safe and secure work environment for our employees is a top priority. We work for diversity, equality, and open-mindedness. Other focus areas where we create sustainable value for our stakeholders include customer satisfaction, long-term profitability, fossil-free production, and minimizing our environmental impact.
What are Rottneros' sustainability targets?
Our sustainability goals are connected to six focus areas: safety, diversity, customer satisfaction, long-term profitability, fossil-free production, and environmental impact. Some of our goals include achieving fossil-free production by 2030 according to GHG scope 1 & 2, a zero-accident vision in the workplace, and maintaining a solidity over 50%. Read more under our target section.
Does Rottneros have any certifications?
Yes, Rottneros' pulp production is certified according to international standards for quality, environment, and management systems. All wood used is traceable, all pulp is available with environmental certification, and the molded fiber trays are certified for food contact. You can read more about our certifications on our website.
What sustainability policies does Rottneros have?
Rottneros employs various policies to guide its sustainability efforts. These include a sustainability policy, a raw materials policy, a code of conduct, and a competition policy. These policies help us manage and improve our impact on the environment and ensure ethical practices within the company. For more details about these and other policies, please visit our website.
How does Rottneros promote a sustainable work environment?
We work systematically to increase safety through routines such as safety rounds, training, proactive risk observations, improved perimeter security, and modernizing equipment.
Our policies, like the code of conduct, whistleblower service, and policy against discriminatory behavior, also contribute to a sustainable, safe, and inclusive work environment.
Other measures include training, employee surveys, and thorough reference checks during hiring, including for groups at risk of discrimination.
How do you reduce your climate impact?
The largest environmental impact comes from transportation to and from our units. To reduce this, we choose suppliers close to our units and focus on sustainable transport methods like ships and trains. Carbon emissions from production mainly come from fossil fuels and purchased electricity. Fossil fuels are primarily used during the startup of production after annual maintenance stops. We continuously work to streamline processes and build internal cycles for purification and recycling, such as self-produced electricity.
In what way can Rottneros contribute to societal benefits?
Rottneros engages in several innovative development projects, such as refining pulp to have oil-absorbing properties and utilizing our mills' excess low-grade heat. Society benefits from our sustainable products that reduce dependence on plastic and other non-renewable materials, contributing to a greener future. We also create many jobs in small communities and sponsor local associations.