Registration and notification
Shareholders who wish to participate in the proceedings of the EGM must
- be registered as shareholders in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Thursday, 10 December 2015, and
- notify the Company of their intention to attend the EGM no later than Thursday, 10 December 2015. The notification can be made via Rottneros’ website, www.rottneros.com. Notification may also be made in writing to Rottneros AB, Extraordinary General Meeting, P.O. Box 144, SE-826 23 Söderhamn, Sweden, or by email to: info@rottneros.com. Please include in the notification: name and social security number or Company name and corporate identity number, as well as address, phone number, and the number of assistants accompanying the shareholder to the EGM.
Nominee-registered shares
In addition to notification, shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee through a bank or other nominee must request to have their shares temporarily re-registered in their own name in the register of shareholders per Thursday, 10 December 2015, in order to be entitled to attend the EGM. Shareholders should inform its nominee of such request well in advance of this date.
Power of attorney
Shareholders represented by proxy must issue a power of attorney for their proxy. If the power of attorney is issued by a legal entity, a copy of the registration certificate (or corresponding authorisation documents, if no such registration certificate exists) should be attached. To facilitate registration for the EGM, the power of attorney, in original, and any authorisation documents shall have been received by the Company at the above postal address no later than on Friday, 11 December 2015. Proxy forms are available on the Company’s website, www.rottneros.com.
- Calling to order of the EGM.
- Election of a Chair to preside over the EGM.
- Drawing-up and approval of the voting list.
- Approval of the agenda.
- Election of one or two persons to check the EGM minutes.
- Resolution as to whether the EGM has been duly convened.
- Resolution on extraordinary dividend to the shareholders.
- Conclusion of the EGM.
Item 7 – Extraordinary dividend to the shareholders
The Board of Directors proposes that the EGM resolves on an extraordinary dividend of SEK 0.40 per share, in total SEK 61,028,770.
After the latest resolution on dividends, by the AGM on 20 May 2015, there are SEK 261,828,219 left of the amount available pursuant to Chapter 17, Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the Swedish Companies Act. Thus there is full coverage for the Company's restricted equity. The Board of Director's reasoned statement pursuant to Chapter 18, Section 4 of the Swedish Companies Act, together with other relevant documents, will be held available as described below.
The Board of Directors proposes that the record date for receiving the dividend shall be Friday, 18 December 2015. If the EGM resolves in accordance with the proposal, it is estimated that Euroclear Sweden AB will execute the payment on Wednesday, 23 December 2015.
The Board’s proposal on extraordinary dividend according to item 7, including the Board’s reasoned statement regarding the dividend, the Board’s report regarding events of material significance for the Company’s financial position which occurred subsequent to the presentation of the annual report as well as the auditors statement, is available at Rottneros’ Head Office (Vallviks Bruk in Vallvik, Söderhamn) and on the Company’s website, www.rottneros.com.
The annual report and audit report for 2014 are already available at the Company and on the Company’s website.
All of the documents mentioned will be sent on request to the postal address provided by the shareholders. Such requests can be made by phone at +46 270-622 45. All of the documents will also be available at the EGM.
Shares and votes
The Company has a total of 153,393,890 shares with one vote each. The Company holds 821,965 own shares.
Disclosures at the EGM
The Board of Directors and CEO shall, if requested by any shareholder and if the Board of Directors is of the opinion that it can be done without causing material harm to the Company, provide disclosures about circumstances that may affect the assessment of an item listed on the agenda.
Vallvik, November 2015
Board of Directors of Rottneros AB
For further information, please contact:
Per Lundeen, CEO Rottneros AB, +46 70 518 33 47
Krister Lindgren, acting CFO Rottneros AB, +46 72 715 06 50
Rottneros discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The Information was submitted for publication on 23 November 2015 at 15:30 CET. This press release is an in-house translation. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish original and this translation, the Swedish original shall prevail.
Rottneros is an independent producer of market pulp. The Group comprises the parent company Rottneros AB, listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, and its subsidiaries Rottneros Bruk AB and Vallviks Bruk AB with operations involving the production and sale of market pulp. The Group also includes the wood procurement company Rottneros Baltic SIA in Latvia. The Group has around 250 employees and had a turnover of approximately SEK 1.5 billion in the 2014 financial year.