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Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Rottneros was held on 16 May 2017

2017-05-16, 16:00
 - Regulatory

Adoption of income statements and balance sheets
The AGM adopted the income statements and the balance sheets for the parent company and the Group for the financial year 2016.

The AGM adopted the Board’s proposal of an ordinary dividend of SEK 0,30 per share and an extraordinary dividend of SEK 0,10 per share (in total SEK 0,40) for the financial year 2016. The record date for receiving the dividend is 18 May 2017 and the dividend will be paid out on 23 May 2017. 

Discharge from liability
The AGM granted Board members as well as the CEOs a discharge from liability for the financial year 2016.

The AGM decided in accordance with the proposal of the Nominating Committee that the number of Board members elected shall be five (a reduction with one) and re-elected the Board members Marie S. Arwidson, Ulf Carlson, Per Lundeen, Roger Mattsson and Per Skoglund as new directors of the Board. Per Lundeen was re-elected as Chair of the Board.

Fees for the Board members
The AGM decided in accordance with the proposal of the Nominating Committee that the fees, without change, shall be SEK 550,000 to the Chair of the Board and SEK 275,000 to each of the other Board members. Furthermore, the AGM decided that the employee representatives shall receive a fee of SEK 27,500 per person for the time required to read materials ahead of meetings.   

The AGM decided in accordance with the proposal of the Nominating Committee that the company shall have a chartered auditing firm as auditor and re-elected Ernst & Young Aktiebolag until the end of the 2018 AGM. The authorized public accountant, Erik Sandström, shall be the auditor in charge. Auditors’ fees shall be paid based on an invoice approved by the CEO.

The Nominating Committee ahead of the 2018 AGM
The AGM approved the Nominating Committee’s proposed procedure for appointing members of the Nominating Committee ahead of the 2018 AGM (unchanged).

Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives 
The AGM approved the guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives in accordance with the Board’s proposal (unchanged).

Complete proposals and decisions
The AGM approved all of the proposals presented by the Board and the Nominating Committee. The proposals are available in the previous published notice to attend the AGM and the decisions in the minutes of the AGM, which will be published at the company’s website. 

For further information, please contact:
Lennart Eberleh, President and CEO of Rottneros AB (publ), +46 270 622 65

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