Kristin Israelsson appointed as mill manager of Rottneros Mill
Rottneros has appointed Kristin Israelsson as mill manager of Rottneros Mill. Kristin most recently comes from BillerudKorsnäs, where she has been for the past 16 years, most recently as sectionhead in the pulp mill of Gruvön. She will take office no later than September 1, 2018 and will be part of the Rottneros Group Management Team.
As part of strengthening our organization, I am very pleased to welcome Kristin Israelsson to Rottneros Mill and the Group Management Team. With her solid experience in the pulp and paper industry, Kristin will contribute with her competence, leadership and energy in developing Rottneros to the next level. Agenda 500 is gradually coming to an end. Within its framework, we have successfully implemented major investments in Rottneros Mill to increase capacity, strengthen product quality, and significantly improve our environmental performance. As we are now entering the next phase, Kristin is the right person to lead the mill operations. We will focus even further on optimization and efficiency, at the same time as we have all employees' safety as top priority, says Lennart Eberleh, President and CEO of Rottneros.