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Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting in Rottneros AB (publ) on 4 November 2019

2019-11-04, 15:30
 - Non regulatory
At the Extraordinary General Meeting in Rottneros AB (publ) it was resolved to support the proposal by the Board of Directors regarding an extra dividend of SEK 0.70 per share.

The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, on an extra dividend of SEK 0.70 per share. The extra dividend corresponds to an amount of SEK 106,800,347.50. The last day of trading in the company's shares, including the right to receive dividend was set to Monday, 4 November 2019. The record date was set to Wednesday, 6 November 2019. The dividend is expected to be paid out to the shareholders on Monday, 11 November 2019.

For furhter information please contact:

Lennart Eberleh, President and CEO, Rottneros AB, +46 (0)270 622 65,


The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 15.30 CET on 4 November 2019.

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