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Rottneros financial reporting 2023

2022-11-15, 08:00
 - Regulatory
2 February  Year-End-Report 2022
21 March Annual Report 2022
26 April Interim Report January-March
21 July Interim Report January-June
26 October Interim Report January-September



Rottneros ordinary general meeting will be held on 27 April 2023.


Rottneros observes a quiet period starting 30 days prior to the publication of an interim or year-end report, ending when the financial report for the period has been published. During the period, Rottneros will not make any comments relating to the company's financial position or future development.


You will also find Rottneros calendar on our website:




For further information please contact:

Monica Pasanen, CFO, Rottneros AB,

+46 (0) 270 622 70,


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